
These 6th class pupils were busy recently instructing their Photon Robots. Using an app on their Ipads, the pupils were able to pre programme the robots to carry out a specific set of instructions.

Computer Programming

Ms. McCann recently organised to borrow a set of Bee Bots’ from Sligo Education Centre. A Bee-Bot is a programmable small robot. Pupils programme the robots and then they can complete a designated circuit. They are particularly appealing to younger […]

New Interactive Screens Arrive

We are delighted to take delivery of two 75″ Novo Touch Interactive Screens today. These will be installed in Ms.Rock’s and Ms.McDermott’s/Ms.Byrne’s classrooms. We will then have achieved all our targets set out in our initial school digital learning plan.

Interactive Screen Installed

Third class are the happy recipients of a new interactive screen which was installed over the weekend. This 65″ screen is the fourth to be installed in the school. Eventually these screens will replace the Interactive Whiteboards and projectors in […]

Seesaw Notifications

Many teachers will be in contact inviting parents to sign up to the Seesaw on line learning app, which they will be using in the coming weeks. Below are instructions on how to turn off notifications from Seesaw on […]

Get Informed

As today is Safer Internet Day, we thought it would be a good idea to let parents know the pros and cons of some of the apps that our children may be using. The Webwise website has a host of […]

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday February 11th  is Safer Internet Day. To mark this occasion, we in SMGS have reviewed and updated and reviewed our Internet Acceptable Use Policy which is available to view in the school policies section of our website. As part […]

Internet Acceptable Use

As part of our ongoing school self evaluation process, we are focusing on embedding digital technologies within our school. Accordingly, we have updated our Internet Acceptable Use Policy which is now available in draft form in the ‘school policies’ section […]