Well done to all the boys and girls ( and their parents!) for participating enthusiastically in Maths Week. The Maths Eyes challenge was particularly popular. Pictured are the winners which were selected by our judging panel. Special thanks must go […]

Maths Week Activities
5th class have been very busy during Maths Week. Following our Maths Trail we completed a STEM challenge to see which group could create the longest paper chain using only two sheets of coloured paper and some glue. We then […]

Maths Week Activities
These Senior Infants in Ms.Moffatt’s room had great fun with their Maths Week activities.

Maths Week Competition
We are running a competition in our school to celebrate Maths Week. It is called ‘Have You Got Maths Eyes’. It’s aim is to encourage children to see the maths that surrounds us in school, at home, in the garden, […]

More Maths Week Fun (4th & 6th)
Pictures from last weeks Maths week. 4th class and 6th went on a Maths trail

Maths Week 10th – 18th October
Happy Maths Week everyone. Junior Infants had great fun on their big adventure this morning. Thanks Ms. Mc Dermott for preparing our Maths trail.