The school plan for the safe re-opening of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál is now complete and is available under the ‘Covid 19- School Plan’ tab on our homepage.

This plan has been developed based of the Department of Education and Skill’s ‘Guidelines on re-opening Primary Schools and Special Schools’.

The plan although complex, is rooted in two basis principles ;

‘Maximise Distance and Minimise Contact’

There is on onus on the whole school community to play their part in making our school safe for all.

It contains a lot of information that parents and guardians should talk to children about before the return to school on Tuesday, September 1st.

There is a requirement of parents/guardians to co-operate with the plan in respect of the staggered drop off and collection arrangements in particular. These will provide challenges for some and may prove inconvenient. However, they are based on the necessity to ‘Maximise Distance and Minimise Contact’ and are in line with guidelines.

It is essential that everyone familiarises themselves with the arrangements and co-operates with them. This is the only way the plan can work. It will therefore be self policing if everyone takes personal responsibility.

We now need more that ever, everyone’s co-operation in implementing our response plan.

Ní neart go cur le chéile


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